Leadership Dynamics

Corporate Testimonials

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Lahdo & Christopher Gregory Co-Founders , Gregory Jewellers

“As the Co-Founders in the family business Gregory Jewellers, over the last 14 months we have implemented the leadership dynamics system led by Peter at the family board level which resulted in the family business being “ON” our business formalising strategies and communication to grow the business unifying the family.

Peter is passionate and convicted about growing leaders to grow organisations and has really challenged all of our thinking about what true leadership is.”

Tony Davis Adavise
Tony Davis Founder, Chairman and CEO of Companies and NPO's, Dovetail Business Solutions, The Advisory Boards, Adavise, The Cancer Lifeboat, Medical Network

“I have worked with Peter Cox since the early 2000’s and more so over the past decade. I’ve taken the leadership principles taught by Peter as well as the practical real-life examples, and I’ve embedded those in the organisations and teams I work with.

I have a close relationship with both Peter and his family and that input has born much fruit over the years. It is a privilege to partner closely with Peter on a global basis with Leadership Dynamics to impact the world for good.”

Tony Hargreaves/Andrew Melville Company Directors, Renascent Group

“Since 2003 we have utilised Peter Cox’s leadership skills in both the Sydney and Melbourne offices to identify key areas in our business where we required leadership.

We have never had better people working for us driving our Company forward and we use specific leadership strategies and templates that Peter has brought into our organisation to identify the right people. Coming from a building background we too have grown as leaders under Peter’s leadership mentoring process.”

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Robert Gregory Head of HR , Gregory Jewellers

“Peters Leadership Dynamics process has challenged our recruitment and retention processes when it comes to identifying “natural” and “emerging” leaders within our business and outside of our business.

Being challenged to change our thinking by someone who has an independent leadership process brought effective communication at a family board level and also helped identify key roles and responsibilities within our organisational chart that required significant formality and alignment.

Peter brought high level leadership thinking into our business, if you want to lead – first you have to allow yourself to be led. Peters conviction about this behaviour grows leadership, and results in better leaders coming into your business.”

Matthew Adderton Director, Imagine8 and Qwikker Australia

“In 2004 I was fortunate enough to be referred to Peter & Debbie Cox due to difficulties in our personal life and we were looking for help and direction with relationship matters.

After 18 months working closely with Peter & Debbie on a monthly basis today we are happy and content in our life as a result of understanding each others personalities and needs which was identified and nurtured by Peter & Debbie Cox.

The confidence in my personal relationship with Peter & Debbie also led to utilising Peter’s leadership and HR skills in both Sydney and Auckland offices of Apollo Marketing.

This was a 12 month project and resulted in increased unity and harmony in the organisation. Without Peter’s leadership there would have been no change in thinking in or the working environment.”

Corporate Testimonials - Leadership Dynamics | Leading4Growth
James Galloway General Manager Customer Experience, Westpac Banking Corporation

“Peter Cox was a guest speaker for Westpac Banking Corporation at an offsite event for our marketing managers in February 2004.

The focus of our event was on improving the leadership skills of our people. Peter delivered an engaging and candid presentation on leadership principles, drawing on experiences from both his personal life and the corporate world. He demonstrated a great passion for the topic and gave our people ‘food for thought’ on the characteristics of effective leadership.”

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Deborah Howlett Project Co-ordinator - Bachelor of Business Leadership and Commerce Degree, Macquarie University

Dear Peter

Many thanks for your stimulating presentation to the students last Thursday night.

It was well received and certainly got many of them discussing some of the points raised.

It was much appreciated that you took the time out of your busy schedule to address the students.

Developing People - Leadership Dynamics
Kirsty Hunter Managing Director, Datacom

“Working with Peter has been a breath of fresh air – from the crowded lists of actions, tasks and projects Peter created space for me to think deeply about how I was leading my life, not just my career. Peter is dynamic, energetic, with dose of fun and irreverent humour he brings fresh light to the leadership and influence. Peter will challenge, he will argue and call you out, but ultimately Peter is on your side and a creates a powerful trusting relationship that can bring about change – and I have rediscovered- change is the one nonnegotiable element of sustainable executive leadership.”

Tony Hoar Director , Paklite Pty Ltd

“Peter Cox was referred to us by a highly respected colleague of mine in 2005. Over the last 2 ½ years we have utilised Peter’s understanding of Leadership and Sales Techniques to develop our Brand Management Team. These interactive Workshops challenge and develop our Brand Management Team’s thinking.

Peter has been of great value helping us grow the business and is dynamic and passionate about developing leaders and equipping the Brand Managers to be more effective in the Sales field.”

Ron Barr, OAM Founder and Chief Executive, Youth Insearch Australia

“The Dream Is Everything is a truly unique book filled with passion and motivation-where dreams become reality, Excellent reading”

Justin Herald Managing Director/Founder, Major Motivation / Attitude inc

“Over the last few months I have gotten to know Peter quite well.

To say that he is a passionate man would be an understatement. Peter’s desire for those around him to succeed is amazing. I am sure that just like myself, anyone that comes in contact with Peter Cox will be blown away and forced down the path of success to say the least.

This is one man that you just have to be around!”

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The Dream is Everything

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